Friday 8 January 2010

MAG (Is it any good?)

Well, this week the MAG beta came out and I was over it like a fly on a piece of crap, a free review and I might get some hits for my website!

To be honest, I don't like it, I'm impressed that they've gotten so many people into one game, but that just feels like a gimmick. 1v1 is the same as 2v2 really, so 128v128 doesn't really bother me. Besides, it's not very FUN and I bold that because it's important.

I don't want to play it, and there's rather a lot of reasons for that.

The first is that I don't like any of the guns, the AK is worthless when compared to a light machine gun, and the sniper rifle can kill anybody, but even that isn't fun. It takes too long to kill people unless you can get a headshot, and the PS3 just isn't optimized for that, and I doubt even the most hardcore PC players could pull off every single shot without an aimbot.

The level up system is even worse, the game would be better off without it.

Let me explain. In Call Of Duty, levelling up unlocks new guns and perks (most of which are balanced extremely well, I give Infinity Ward a thumbs up for their work on MW2) the new guns and perks can simply change your playstyle or compliment it.

MAG however works more like an RPG, imagine an RPG in which you start off as a level 1 character and every enemy is a level 70, if you die you start from the last save.

Yes, MAG allows you to upgrade your guns as you level up, meaning that a level 20 will always be better than a level 1, because they reload faster, do more damage and have better guns.

Seriously, I was excited about this once, but there's no way patches and updates will fix this, they'd have to redo the whole game. Sorry guys, I'm sticking to my Modern Warfare and Team Fortress 2.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Downloadable Games

So I got £30 on my PSN account for Christmas, and I'm almost ashamed that I've spent some of it.

I think it's around about £12 I've spent, I bought Final Fantasy VII and Battlefield 1943, both are really good and I would pay much more for both.

Final Fantasy VII is amazing, and I'd pay the original £60 for it, although I think £20 would be a better price in this day and age. I've been playing for a few hours and haven't even made a dint!

Battlefield is just plane fun (see what I did there?) I really enjoy parachuting into an enemy spawn, toting 6 rounds of explosives and taking the base.

I also enjoy planting satchel charges onto a car and driving it into a spawn, jumping out and blowing up everything in a 2 meter radius.

If you haven't already got it, it'll be regular price in the Playstation Store now (£14) but if you get/got it, add me

PSN: SometingStupid.

I might refuse because I also play Team Fortress 2, and having more than 30 friends stops you from playing it :(

Wednesday 30 December 2009


God do I hate that. First! 1st! 1!

Whatever, if you're going to go on some YouTube video or whatever and simply put FIRST! then go and, uh. Go away, otherwise I'll punch you.

Anyway, about me: I'm a kid as the name suggests with a unhealthy addiction and interest in videogames, I'm not the guy that constantly plays slayer on Halo 3 or wants to have 7 xBox 360 elites, no. I'm that one that pwned you at Modern Warfare 2, then you find out that there 11.

Hell I'm not perfect, I'm not even that good at videogames, but I do something that videogame bloggers haven't seemed to do in a very long time. I've had fun!

At the same time, by opinion on games is usually very similar to Yahtzee Crosshaw's, although he has to hate just about every game ever made. I can look over a small gameplay flaw for some improvements in story telling.

Of course, I could describe all my likes and dislikes in this post, but that won't be much fun. I'll leave you with some cool stuff and see you in the next post.

Videos: There's also one about Demomen, but it's not as good.

Audio: The Idle Thumbs podcast is great, shame it ended recently though. This is the control point podcast, for team fortress 2. If you've ever played it, no matter on which platform, give it a shot.
